Advanced Academics

Princeton Advanced Academics provides educational options to meet the needs of advanced students so they can develop their talents, become leaders in their future academic and professional pursuits, and succeed in an ever-changing world.

This program provides resources for students who need instruction beyond current grade level standards.

Guiding Principles:  
  • A Systemized Approach to Gifted Education;  

  • Consistent, Effective, & Sustainable Programming; 

  • Services Organized with a Specific Student Experience in Mind

Guiding Question: Which students have needs (at this time; in this subject area) not being met by the current environment?

Guiding Framework:

  • What are the academic needs of our advanced learners? What needs are not being met as part of the general curriculum of our district, as it currently exists?
  • What advanced academic opportunities are currently being provided? What additional services are needed?
  • Which students will participate? Which students have a need for and would succeed in the various program services?
  • How will we know if the program was successful?

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

Princeton Public Schools uses a MTSS framework to ensure that all students receive high quality, evidence-based general education core instruction and, as appropriate, strategic and/or intensive intervention supports matched to student needs. 

MTSS Framework

Advanced Academic Learning Services