Access & Equity

We welcome the whole you

Princeton Online MN is a safe and welcoming school environment for students from all backgrounds, ability levels and identities. Our compassionate teachers and staff are here to facilitate a culture of inclusivity and respect for everyone while upholding academic equality. We are committed to helping you grow and prepare for your future by providing high-quality education, individual guidance, resources and supportive counseling. 

Accessibility Online & At Home

Distance and/or online learning environments offer unique benefits and challenges to students. We are committed to helping you navigate any barriers to your academic and personal growth as they arise. Our online platforms, technology, resources and materials are all compliant with the latest web accessibility standards, and your academic and personal needs are our highest priority. We encourage you to reach out to us for any questions or concerns you might have about our use of technology, options for instruction and access-related resources.

Learning materials on demand

We believe that technology has the power to promote equity in schools by ensuring that all students have access to learning materials and instruction in a variety of formats. Students in online courses have constant access to their homework, instructions, lecture recordings, notes, ebooks and more. 

Personalized approach

Education-focused technology can help students personalize their learning experience in a way that works for them. Pacing, one-on-one meetings, screen reading, note-taking aids, captioning, recording and more can all be adjusted to ensure that all students can learn through individualized methods that best suit their needs. By supporting a wide variety of learning styles, we hope to deeply engage and enable success for more students.
