Student Life
Close-knit & inclusive community
Our online community is integral to who we are and what makes our students successful. Collaboration through technology teaches Princeton students how to build functional relationships online, while cultivating a meaningful academic and social support network. Students from diverse backgrounds and identities are able to connect, study together and motivate each other beyond what is possible in a traditional school environment.
Meet Your Teachers
Our staff are dedicated to delivering rigorous, high-quality education with individualized guidance for all students.
Student Expectations
We have expectations for how students conduct themselves online to create a learning environment that promotes success.
Cyber Safety
At Princeton Online MN, safety is a priority. We encourage students and families to explore our resources for practicing safety online.
Access & Equity
Students of all backgrounds and identities are welcome at Princeton Online MN! Discover what it means to learn and grow with us.
A different Online Experience
Compassionate instructors
Challenging you to think differently
Supportive online community
Academics personalized with you
For Parents
Online learning offers unique benefits and challenges for your child. Explore the advantages of an online high school experience, and read our frequently asked questions for more information.
For School Counselors
Helping a student with their decision to pursue school online is critical and should be considered carefully. Read more about our program's accreditation and legacy, and reach out to us for more Information.